peter kareiva

Congratulations to IoES Director Dr. Peter Kareiva on becoming CEO of Aquarium of the Pacific

We send our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Peter Kareiva as he takes on his new role as president and CEO of the Aquarium of the Pacific.  Dr. Kareiva will step down as UCLA’s Institute of  Environment and Sustainability Director August 3, 2020. 

“As a scientist, I have researched the opportunities for marine aquaculture, the importance of marine habitats in protecting our coast from sea-level rise, and the value of the ocean to our economy. But it is my love of the ocean that brings me to the Aquarium of the Pacific. There is no better place to share the wonders of the marine world with a diverse community, and no better platform from which to engage the global community in saving our oceans,” said Dr. Kareiva.