Moving Science to Action

Launching global environmental solutions from urban Los Angeles


Polishing One of Westwood’s Hidden Gems

UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture students took part in a hands-on charette to enhance Sage Hill, UCLA’s outdoor learning space. Their proposals aimed to improve accessibility while conserving native plants and wildlife, providing students with valuable real-world design experience.


A Diverse, Practice-Based Education

This innovative, dual-component program offers both breadth and depth through a solid foundation in natural science and a focus on understanding environmental issues across earth, atmospheric, life, and social sciences.


Generating Knowledge & Providing Solutions

We leverage connections and partnerships throughout the UCLA network to focus teams of diverse talents on today’s most urgent problems.

Mapping Los Angeles

Mapping Los Angeles Landscape History

Tribal leaders and researchers have mapped the ancient ‘lost suburbs’ of Los Angeles Prepare to be inspired by a vision of the Los Angeles you never knew that was buried…


Support Us

State funding cannot cover everything we want to accomplish – we rely on endowments, grants and philanthropic gifts to make up the difference. These additional funds go to the programs, projects and outreach that would otherwise languish. We are immensely grateful for this support.