When one swale fills up, pipes pull the water to another on this property. If the system is overwhelmed it sends the water out to the storm drains. (Shawn Maestretti / Studio Petrichor)
When one swale fills up, pipes pull the water to another on this property. If the system is overwhelmed it sends the water out to the storm drains. (Shawn Maestretti / Studio Petrichor)

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Edith de Guzman for LAist—How You Can Help Refill LA’s Aquifers By Capturing Stormwater At Home

UCLA water equity and adaptation policy cooperative extension specialist Edith De Guzman discusses the impacts of extreme weather events on vulnerable communities in Los Angeles for LAist, sharing how water catchment features could have an impact.

“Parcel by parcel there is an additive effect and we’ve shown qualitatively that additive effect is really significant,” said de Guzman.