Dr. Mishuana Goeman, Tonawanda Band of Seneca, is an Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Chair of American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program, Associate Director of American Indian Studies Research Center, and the Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Native American and Indigenous Affairs at the University of California, Los Angeles. She grew up all over the east coast, with home bases in Maine and Upper-state Ny as they travelled the paths of her ironworking father. She began to do Native American studies in her first year at Dartmouth College after taking a Native American Literature class that would eventually lead her to Stanford University’s interdisciplinary program Modern Thought and Literature where she received her PhD in 2003. She went on to be a UC President’s Postdoctoral scholar UC Berkeley, which would eventually bring her back to California.
Dr. Goeman is the author of Mark My Words: Native Women Mapping Our Nations (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) and the forthcoming Settler Aesthetics and the Spectacle of Originary Moments: Terrence Malick’s the New World, in progress with the Indigenous Film Series, Eds. Randolph Lewis and David Shorter at University of Nebraska Press. She is a Co-PI on a community based digital project grant, Mapping Indigenous L.A., a digital humanities and social science project launched in 2015 that maps the stories of multiple communities in Indigenous LA. She has a forthcoming co-authored chapter, “Community Resilience, “Contested” Spaces, and Indigenous Geographies” in Esri Resiliency Maps, eds. S. Steinberg & S. Steinberg outlining the process and work with LA’s Indigenous communities. Dr. Goeman’s most recent collaborative project with Dr. Wendy Teeter, Carrying Our Ancestors Home (2019), looks to digital media in order to develop better practices in working with tribal communities as well as improve the flow of information back and forth, particularly on repatriation and NAGPRA issues. She has also published in peer-reviewed journals such as American Quarterly, Critical Ethnic Studies, Settler Colonial Studies, Wicazo Sa, International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies, Funambulist: Politics of Space and Body, Transmotion, and American Indian Cultures and Research Journal, including guest edited journal volumes on Native Feminisms and Indigenous Performances. Book chapters include essays in Theorizing Native Studies, eds. Audra Simpson and Andrea Smith, (Duke University Press, 2014), Sources and Methods in Indigenous Studies (Routledge 2016), Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Gender: Sources, Perspectives, and Methodologies (2016), Critically Sovereign: Indigenous Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (ed. Joanne Barker, Duke University Press, 2017) and a forthcoming chapter in Biopolitics – Geopolitics – Life: Settler-colonialism and Indigenous Presences (Duke University Press).