Stepfanie M. Aguillon, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Pronouns: she/her/hers
I am an evolutionary biologist that seeks to understand how and why reproductive isolation evolves in nature. My research integrates genomic sequencing, behavioral ecology, and museum science, with a particular focus on non-model organisms. A strong throughline in much of my research is a focus on naturally hybridizing species, with the goal of understanding the evolution of reproductive barriers and phenotypic differences. Additionally, I have an interest in the role of individual behavior in shaping population-level genetic patterns on the landscape. Although much of my work focuses on basic science questions, I use similar methods to collaborate on conservation-related projects: e.g., population genetic structure (Mikles et al. 2020) and defining conservation units (Mikles et al. in press) in the Bay Area song sparrows, and connecting behavior and spatial genetic patterns in the endangered Florida scrub-jay (Aguillon et al. 2017).