SAR Project | 2024

Plastic Policy Investigation

We are the Plastic Policy Investigation team for the 2023-2024 school year. Our team is conducting a study that seeks to assess the existing levels of adherence to the UCLA Single-Use Plastics Policy during campus events. Our aim is to understand the challenges event organizers encounter in meeting UCLA Single-Use Plastic Policy compliance standards. Ultimately, our goal is to devise strategies for enhancing the monitoring and enforcement of compliance at UCLA events.

The UCLA Single-Use Plastics Policy aims to reduce the campus’s environmental impact by limiting the use of disposable plastics. This policy prohibits the distribution of single-use plastic straws, utensils, and stirrers at all UCLA facilities and events. Instead, sustainable alternatives such as compostable or reusable items are encouraged to promote a more eco-friendly campus environment.

To asses compliance from events our team will conducting informational interviews, perform event audits, and gathering insights from event organizers via a comprehensive survey. By compiling these findings, we aim to develop strategies to strengthen the monitoring and enforcement of compliance with the UCLA Single-Use Plastics Policy during campus events.

Stakeholder: Christophe LaBelle, UCLA Sustainability Analyst

Team Leaders: Rachel Minden, Gianna Wright

Team Members: Andres Elizarraras, Fiorella Hunter, Arushi Somani, Erika Patel