SAR Project | 2019

Enhancing the Ethical and Sustainable Framework of UCLA’s Promotional Product Supply Chains

Pictured above, left to right: Ryan Hallman (Team Leader), Monica Portillo, Ayahna Mack, Gabriel Hernandez, Stephanie Hauschildt (Team Leader), and Corbin Kehrberg


SAR Sustainable Purchasing Team:

Enhancing the Ethical and Sustainable Framework of UCLA’s Promotional Product Supply Chains


Project Description: 

The Sustainable Purchasing Team aims to improve the sustainability and ethicality of UCLA’s promotional product supply chain. Such products include sunglasses, toys, and other “freebies”, which often become single-use items destined for a landfill. In terms of sustainability, we will analyze product materials as well as the sustainability of respective supply chains.  We will be assessing the ethicality of supply chain of our promotional product licensees, however the focus of our project will be upon sustainability.

Our current objective involves researching products of the 8 licensed promotional product suppliers and creating a criteria system to categorize their respective sustainability and ethicality. Using this criteria, we will recommend certain products which we deem most sustainable, such as “Sustainably Preferred T-Shirt” or “Sustainably Preferred Water Bottle.” This information will then be presented in a user-friendly and accessible way to the different departments of UCLA, encouraging them to purchase sustainably and ethically.

Stakeholder: Cynthia (Cindy) Holmes, Director of Trademarks & Licensing for ASUCLA

Team Leaders: Ryan Hallman and Stephanie Hauschildt

Team Members: Gabriel Hernandez, Corbin Kehrberg, Ayahna Mack, and Monica Portillo


Press Release

Midterm Presentation

Midterm Report

Final Presentation

Final Report