Recurring droughts across the western United States have demonstrated a need for updated water management procedures across sectors, including for commercial businesses and residential communities. In Southern California, overreliance on…
California’s goal of decarbonizing the state’s energy sector by 2045 requires an accompanying strategic approach to the decommissioning of the extensive gas infrastructure, currently comprising over 11 million meters and spanning more than 100,000 miles.
Climate change is causing an increase in extreme heat events in Los Angeles County, with central areas predicted to experience three times the number of days with temperatures over 95°F…
Located at the center of one of only 36 biodiversity hotspots in the world, the City of Los Angeles is a high-priority area for conservation. It is home to 1,200…
The Los Angeles River has long been an essential component of communities within the Los Angeles Basin, both natural and human alike. However, what was Once a natural, soft-bottomed river…
Marine debris – trash and litter that end up in our ocean – damages the environment and threatens marine life. Marine debris is everywhere, including in our California coastal waters…
Sage Hill is the last piece of untouched native habitat in West Los Angeles and has the potential to become a sanctuary, outdoor class space, and hub for undergraduate research.…
17 million people – roughly half the population of California, live in the South Coast Air Basin of Southern California. These residents, living in major portions of Los Angeles, Riverside,…
Urban expansion in Los Angeles have taken a serious toll on biodiversity and ecosystem health in the region. Streams in particular have been heavily affected; frequently diverted underground to make…
Building electrification is the most viable solution to reducing building greenhouse gas emissions, with the added benefit of improving air quality. Yet, electrification of existing buildings is difficult. Often times, a homeowner or landlord experiences unexpected complications when trying to retrofit their building.
In 2018, Los Angeles County passed Measure W to raise funds to reduce the pollution and flooding caused by stormwater runoff through the development of stormwater capture, treatment, and reuse…
As part of the LA100 Equity Strategies study CCSC developed estimates of as-built and existing service capacities of residential properties throughout the LADWP service territory, and future upgrade requirements to handle comprehensive electrification.