Alternative Energy and Biodiversity
A U.S. Department of Energy Funded Project to Understand the Demographic Impacts of Solar Energy Sites on Migratory Bird Populations Increased solar energy production is a critical element of efforts…
A U.S. Department of Energy Funded Project to Understand the Demographic Impacts of Solar Energy Sites on Migratory Bird Populations Increased solar energy production is a critical element of efforts…
The transportation industry depends heavily on petroleum fuels. While stringent legislation and alternative energy sources are slowly driving a departure from oil usage on land, ocean-going vessels (OGVs), or ships,…
Where is the best place to put solar panels in your neighborhood? The solar opportunity map is a web tool built to assist community-based organizations to access data necessary to identify high potential sites for community solar or resiliency centers within LA County.
Home to more than ten million people, the Los Angeles metropolitan area accommodates one of the largest urban populations in the world. The vast majority of its landscape has been…
Native flora and fauna have become an increasingly rare sight within heavily urban communities. In cities, both flora and fauna communities frequently show drastically altered species composition, abundance, and richness,…
Awardee: Vivien Enriquez, Ph.D. student in the Yeh Laboratory. Vivien's interests incorporate animal behavior, animal host-bacteria interactions, and environmental change.
Awardee: Maura Palacios, Postdoctoral Scholar in the Wayne Lab. Maura's projects use eDNA to assess species assemblages in the Mojave Desert Springs, a threatened ecosystem and to explore microbial community changes in relation to hazardous materials at Brownfield sites throughout Southern California, for potential bioremediation practices.
LENS has partnered with KCET, the nation's largest independent public media company to produce engaging, research-driven environmental stories.
Exploring How Increased Community Garden Engagement Can Connect Students, Faculty, and Staff to Existing Campus Resources, Which Promote Food Security, Urban Agriculture, and Healthy Lifestyles
Pictured above, left to right: Joris Eigirdas (team leader), Aria Soeprono, Emilee Hosking, Kyle Alves, Kikei Wong (stakeholder), Leah Liking’s, Natalie Gonzalez (team leader) SAR Academic Waste Diversion Team: Greening…
Pictured above, left to right: [top] Griffin Carter, [middle] Annie Wu, Aya Elarid, Laurel Thomas, [bottom] Elizabeth Popescu (team leader), Ritika Singh (stakeholder), Anh-Vy Pham (team leader) SAR Green…
Tribal leaders and researchers have mapped the ancient ‘lost suburbs’ of Los Angeles Prepare to be inspired by a vision of the Los Angeles you never knew that was buried…