thomas tsun-hung yee

Thomas Tsun-Hung Yee

Initiative Officer

Los Angeles Transportation, Housing, Resources and Investment for a Vibrant Economy

LA Thrives

Nominated by D'Artagnan Scorza

Thomas Tsun-Hung Yee is an initiative officer at the Low Income Investment Fund whose role is to staff the LA THRIVES collaborative, where he coordinates local partners toward planning equitable and sustainable transit-oriented communities throughout Los Angeles County. Committed to community-based, equitable development that benefits the environment and health of all people, Thomas works to reduce the cost of housing and transportation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and expand the community investment system. In partnership with the Social Justice Learning Institute and other organizations, he is also part of the Strong, Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC), which identifies links between health, housing security and homelessness, as well as environmental justice, climate strategies and public health so they can be addressed in a holistic manner. Prior to his current position, Thomas worked for more than a decade in community development, managing projects and overseeing the efforts of organizers, small business counselors and planners. Completed projects include 195 affordable housing units. Thomas holds a master’s degree in urban planning and a bachelor’s degree in biophysics from the University of Southern California.