Ph.D. in Environment and Sustainability

Kelp on shorefront

We aim to recruit and train students whose ambition and curiosity cannot be satisfied by a traditional disciplinary doctoral program.

Our program encourages students to innovate and tackle paramount environment and sustainability challenges by building expertise in two distinct disciplines. They learn two bodies of knowledge and two methods of inquiry and problem-solving, positioning them to advance novel insights and new areas of inquiry.

Course Requirements

To encourage an open-ended, problem-driven focus in our student-focused program, the fixed requirements of the program are limited:

  • Core Course: A two-quarter core sequence of “Issues and Methods in Environment and Sustainability”
  • Six quarters of participation in advanced seminars on Environment and Sustainability.
  • Electives – beyond the common requirements, each student will develop an individual program of study in consultation with their advisors and committee to master a range of disciplinary knowledge, skills and research methods.

Faculty Advisors

To promote interdisciplinarity as the core of the program’s identity, each student’s program of study and dissertation research will be guided by two advisors from distinct areas of research and scholarship. We encourage prospective students to identify potential areas of study and contact prospective advisors prior to applying. You can check out potential faculty advisors on our Faculty Advisor page.

Financial Support

It is our expectation that all students making satisfactory progress in the program will be fully funded for the duration of their studies. We will help you secure this funding through a variety of sources including faculty research grants, fellowships, teaching assistantships or other sources.