Water Resources Group


Comparison of two polarity measurements of hydrophobic organic matter for the evaluation of water treatment processes: XAD resin and PRAM

Marc Philibert, Fernando Rosario-Ortiz, Mel Suffet

Published Work | Water Science and Technology Journal


Temperature-Moisture Dependence of the Deep Convective Transition as a Constraint on Entrainment in Climate Models

Sandeep Sahany, J David Neelin, Katrina Hales, Richard B.Neale

Published Work | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Triple exposure: Regulatory, climatic, and political drivers of water management changes in the city of Los Angeles

Sara Hughes, Stephanie Pincetl, Christopher Boone

Published Work | Journal of Cities


El Nio-Southern Oscillation impacts on winter winds over Southern California

Neil Berg, Alex Hall, Scott Capps, Mimi Hughes

Published Work | Journal of Climate Dynamics
