
la water hub

LA Water Hub

The Water Hub is a dynamic visualization and mapping platform (; an online data repository for viewing and finding water-related information in Los Angeles County.

water conservation in campus buildings

Water Conservation in Campus Buildings

The focus of the 2015 Water Action Research Team was to decrease water consumption in on-campus restrooms.  The team worked towards getting aerators installed on faucets across campus.  Aerators attach…

Sustainable Food Systems: Food Waste

The 2014 Sustainable Food Systems Team (SFS)  measured food waste in on-campus eateries and educated the UCLA campus about the many linkages between food, waste, water, and climate change. The…

water action research

Water Action Research

The 2014 Water Team is collaborated with UCLA’s Water Task Force to research, develop, and implement water conservation efforts aimed at helping the university meet the standards set by UC policy and…

seed networks

Seed Networks

This ongoing project catalogues the many stories in circulation today about patented, transgenic seeds as well as the apparent alternative of open source, public seed collections. By “stories,” the project…