Our fellows work in research teams to advance skills and solve environmental problems through hands-on experience.
Our fellows work in research teams to advance skills and solve environmental problems through hands-on experience.
The City of Maywood is a small, under-represented community in the heavily industrialized port “Gateway” area of Los Angeles. The residents, more than 26 percent of whom live below the…
Awardee: Tiara Moore. Tiara is conducting a yearlong study to determine if there is a relationship between nutrient-stimulated eutrophication and estuarine acidification in the highly eutrophic Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve.
Using an innovative technique to produce high-resolution future climate projections, our team is answering key questions about the fate of the Sierra Nevada snowpack, a critical natural resource that not only supports an iconic ecosystem but also provides freshwater to millions of Californians.
The California coast is reaching a tipping point of becoming out of reach for many Californians.
Integrating physiological threshold experiments, remote sensing, and climate modeling to characterize the sensitivity of coastal ecosystems to climate change
Our community outreach includes visiting schools, hosting groups for tours, mentorship, and research experience for high school students and teachers and members of the public.
La Kretz postdoc Dr. Justin Valliere is currently exploring potential adaptation to nitrogen pollution and climate in common invasive plant species of California. This study will have important implications for invasive plant management under predicted global change.
Eco-labels are part of a new wave of environmental policy that emphasizes information disclosure as a tool to induce environmentally friendly behavior by both firms and consumers. Little consensus exists…
In 2006, California voters approved Proposition 84, a bond measure authorizing $5.4 billion in spending on projects to improve parks, natural resource protection, and water quality, safety, and supply. Most…
Now that the stormwater infrastructure approaches are proven, the challenge is to finance the transition from gray to green stormwater infrastructure, on a metropolitan scale
The 2016 Recreation Team tested the indoor air quality in various rooms across UCLA Recreation’s John Wooden Center. The team specifically focused Yates Gym, which was been equipped with an…