Impact Fellows
Impact Fellows Work with students from our Ph.D. or D. Env in Environmental Science and Engineering program to advance your mission. Fellows typically allocate 100 hours over 10 weeks with the…
Impact Fellows Work with students from our Ph.D. or D. Env in Environmental Science and Engineering program to advance your mission. Fellows typically allocate 100 hours over 10 weeks with the…
La Kretz Postdoc Sarah Helman is investigating the intersecting effects of urbanization, diet and rodenticides on local coyote health, working in collaboration with the National Park Service, the Urban Nature…
CCSC, in collaboration with UCLA Sustainable Grand Challenge LA, and other Campus researchers are conducting research for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to help the city achieve its goal of producing all of its energy from carbon-free and renewable energy sources by 2035 and doing so in ways that benefit all Angelenos equitably.
In 2021, LENS partnered with the Labyrinth Project, a collaborative urban anthropological inquiry into nature in Los Angeles, to produce a series of episodes based on the Labyrinth team’s fieldwork…
UCLA has continued to transition away from non-native plants to drought tolerant native plants as part of the university’s efforts to reduce potable water use 36% by 2025. As the…
UCLA is currently experiencing a high input of non-fungible token (NFT) proposals. As the demand for NFTs grows, UCLA departments will decide how to proceed with these recent proposals. Given…
In October 2020, UCLA passed their Single Use Plastic Policy to become a plastic-free university by 2023. In response to the recent restrictions against the acceptance of bioplastics by UCLA’s…
Background Amphibians are projected to disappear in more than half their habitats in the next 20 years due to their extreme sensitivity (USGS). The loss of such a vital group…
Sri Lanka’s coastal waters are home to a unique population of non-migratory blue whales. Unfortunately, these waters are also home to one of the most heavily trafficked shipping lanes in…
The 51-mile Los Angeles River, once a meandering river home to lush wetlands and thick with trout that sustained Native Gabrielino-Tongva communities, is instead now a highly polluted, concrete-lined channel…
Where does one go during a heatwave? 2022 IoES Practicum students track smartphones to find out.
Awardee: Wilmer Amaya-Mejia, second-year Ph.D. student in the Yeh Lab. Wilmer is interested in understanding the disease ecology and eco-immunological responses of birds to address conservation and human health concerns.